SEPEM ROUEN: Come and see us at stand K9!

SBC will be at SEPEM ROUEN: Come and see us at Stand K9! SEPEM Rouen – Come and see us at stand k9. We’ll be at SEPEM from April 26 to 28, 2022! Accueil ACCESS OUR CHANNEL HANDLING SKIPS CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT Youtube Linkedin Envelope SAVE THE DATE Don’t forget to register for the show! April 26 to 28, 2022 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Stand K9, Rouen Expo Congrès. Free registration: https: // Come and meet us on stand K9 to discover our range of handling tippers! Your local SBC contact : Tony FORT, sales representative, sector A tel: +33(0)610298463 Mail: Discover our range of handling tippers Come and see us at SEPEM in Rouen, and discover our range of handling and storage products for construction sites and industry, designed to meet your specific safety and efficiency requirements. Among our flagship products, we offer you our various handling skips, ideal for all your work, as well as our SB120 pomace bin for easy evacuation of pomace from the press. We’ll be exhibiting at SEPEM in Rouen from April 26 to 28, 2022, on stand K9 at Rouen Expo Congrès. Don’t forget to register for access to the show and discover our products in person!